Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Destination: Africa

Almost done with my trip to Africa but I thought now I would blog about it. I am not the most eloquent with my words but I hope you still enjoy reading what I have been up to.

Day 1- My direct flight...
  In the morning that I was to leave from Seatac, Leiv, Jonathan, Lowell, Jordan Birch and I all went to church. The scripture the sermon was based on was Luke 10 with the parable about how the workers are few and the harvest in plentiful. Which gives comfort to me for I feel that over the years with the school and other organizations I have noticed there are few who are devoted and work around the clock and sacrifice so much. And then there are many who just watch. The comfort comes to realize that Jesus preached this that it would happen like that. My prayer is that I am one of the few workers.
    The guys dropped me off at the airport. I know I am going to see them soon, but I still broke down. Sorry about that guys. I was just finally realizing that I was not only going on a mission trip far away but also I was going straight to school afterwards.
   When waiting in all the lines at the airport, I kept telling myself I am going to Africa. And then I would say it again. For a few years I have wanted to go (ever since Rebecca Verhage got to go in high school I thought it was the coolest thing ever) but I always thought I would later in my life. I kept thinking that I would go if I was a doctor and I would go to set up a clinic. But job shadowing Dr. Irwin this summer made me realize why not now? Therefore off I went.
   I have never traveled internationally before, so when a man had a heart attack on my flight which made the direct flight stop somewhere far north in Canada (near Alaska)! We actually had to back track like an hour to land so that this man could medical assistance. Now my connecting flight left no room for me to back track in an hour and then wait two hours at this airport. I knew I was going to miss my flight in Germany. And how many trips are there to Gabon, Africa? One! I called Leiv right away. He has traveled the world and knew he would save me. I got an international plan so I could email the missionaries at Gabon that I most likely would not make it as planned. I did make it to Germany hours after I was supposed to and completely missed the flight like I thought.  I was tired and a little nervous. Not the best combo. But the man I was sitting with on the plane was a nice guy and helped me out since he was German and knew German. He actually helped me where to go next. I was so thankful! The airline then told me that they only have one flight every other day flying to Gabon but that Air France was going the next day. I stayed the night in Frankfurt. (Sorry mom and dad I did not tell you earlier I just did not want to worry you). Looked like a complete idiot with all my bags and trying to find the bus I would take to the hotel they put me up in for the night. I literally had people laugh at me when I tried to get on the bus.  Luckily I just did not care at all. I ws that tired. That afternoon and night I slept so well. I should have explored Frankfurt but I knew that if my parents and Aunt Valerie heard I did they would be upset. A girl all by herself in a foreign city. I could just hear them then that it was not a good idea.
   I woke up that morning at three. I was so messed up on my sleeping schedule but I had to take the shuttle to get to the airport early. I was not going to miss this flight. I then took a flight to Paris. The Paris Airport actually made me more nervous. I always hear that French don't like Americans and I knew it was a huge airport. I had to idea where to go. Let alone knew if my bags was going to follow me or if I had to pick them up and then recheck them. Looking back now, only by the grace of God and asking the workers where and what next I made it to my terminal. But I realized I had to ask and in between asking people to act confident in what I was doing and where I was going. I did not want to look confused because I felt like I am way old enough to figure out to go for one terinal to completely to another terminal with a different airline. Also I was going to Africa. If I could not even fly there how was I going to do in Africa?
   Anyways that was my first and second day. It was adventure that I did not count on. It turned out great. I definitely was nervous at times but the verse Phillipians 4:6-7 I repeated to myself several times. It all worked out and now I have a more interesting story.
This was a long post but I thought I should explain a little more my thoughts and my traveling experience.

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