Thursday, September 2, 2010

Sundays are really the best day of the week

Sunday, we went to church in the morning. Now we did not speak French so I was lost when we were singing, during the sermon and also in the announcements. But it was great though. It was very lively during worship that people were dancing. I actually got asked to go up and dance. Let me just say this white girl has no rhythm. I waited until the man who helps out with the CMA in anything who is native to Gabon gave me the okay to come back. I was so relieved because I could not dance nor really sing. They asked Kelli to do the same thing as well but then they made Kristi go up on stage and dance next to these two guys up there. Now they were doing some fancy feet work but it was hard to say what because their clothes like their shirt was really long and was hiding their feet. It was fun to watch her. As Steve said she made white people proud. ha ha
  The sermon as the verses that it was based on was great. It was Micah 6:8 which talks about "the Lord requires us to act justly and love mercy and to walk humbly with your God." The next verse was Titus 3:5 where it talks about how Jesus has saved us not becuase of our righteous things we had done but out of mercy. We are justified by grace and not by our works. then the last verse that the sermon was on waas 1 Corinthians 13:3 about how if we don't have love all we do is nothing. I was able to get the verses because I was sitting by the guy who helps the CMA out in Libreville who is native here. We call him Jonny Romance. He is a great guy. He does a lot  I know for the church which there are like 22 churches just in Libreville and more churches throughout Gabon.
   After church, we went back to the house where we ate and then left for the beach. The beach was a little cold due to the breeze and wind. But there is something about beaches and what it does to the soul. It is so refreshing and calming. Just overall just a good day. Other things happen but I don't want to bore you any more on those details. Also just want to say that I never spell check nor ever look to see what I say makes sense. Sorry for that. I am just too lazy here to do so. And it definitely is not eloquent.

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